Germany confirmed that it will dispatch 14 of its Leopard tanks to Ukraine, following much dithering and pressure from allies.


America is similarly poised to send its Abrams tanks. Anatoly Antonov, Russia’s ambassador to America, said giving tanks to Ukraine would be a “blatant provocation”.


The lawsuit—the second federal antitrust case brought against Google—seeks to force the firm to divest several ad products.


Shares in Adani Group, a multinational conglomerate that underpins swathes of India’s economy, were hit by a scathing report by Hindenburg Research, an investment firm.


A strange news report briefly rattles the Adani Group

The episode also throws light on a quirk of Indian corporate ownership


Shareholders had objected to the proposal, arguing that a merger would mask the value of News Corp, which owns the Wall Street Journal and The Times.


America may also grudgingly be sending about 30 of its M1 Abrams tanks, which could ease Mr Scholz’s angst.


The decision comes not a moment too soon.


The pity is that it took intense friendly fire, at home and abroad, to rattle Mr Scholz’s carapace hard enough to force him into a clanking Panzerwende.


Despite growing disillusionment with the government of Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi, who has been in power since 2014, it is unlikely that protests similar to those in 2011 will break out soon. The cost of living is high, but the cost of dissent remains higher.


An ally of Ms Ardern, Mr Hipkins is something of a political utility man.


Most recently minister of education and police, he has also served as health minister, from where he oversaw New Zealand’s stringent response to covid-19. Mr Hipkins was the only candidate for the premiership nominated by his Labour Party.


Outside party ranks, Mr Hipkins faces a bumpier ride. Labour is trailing the opposition National Party in polls as the cost of living spirals.


He may also claw back support by ditching unpopular reforms pushed by Ms Ardern, including an expensive merger between the national television and radio broadcasters.


Russia and the downing of MH17


In November a Dutch court convicted two Russians and a Ukrainian separatist (in absentia) for shooting down Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 over Ukraine in 2014, killing 298 mainly Dutch passengers and crew.


The case, brought by the Netherlands and Ukraine, hinges on whether Russia exercised control over the forces of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DNR).


Russia says the separatist mini-state in eastern Ukraine acted alone.


Why Donbas is once again at the heart of the war in Ukraine

Russia says its aim is now to “liberate” the region in eastern Ukraine


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